Tuesday, January 09, 2007

...re We Came In?

So 2006 began with this. I'm narcissistic enough to want to go back through my posts and see how this was an anchor for the year's posts and then see what should be my first post for 2007. I'm narcissistic, but also lazy so don't want to do the work of reading 2006's posts and see if there really is some sort of tone to 2007's oeuvre. To be honest, I would say there isn't... ever. But for the sake of this post we'll say there is and that the tone suggested by 2006's first post made 2006 a mopey, picturesque, navel-gazey, baby rankling at authority year.

That means the tone for 07, set by this year's first post, will be self-referential, lazy, artificial, circular, and topically comical.

"Oh sure, I see the conceit," you say, "but where's the topically comical?"
Well dig this...

John Mc Cain indicates that he and the AEI are actually compensating for something with their Iraq policy recommendations.

So expect a year of penis jokes.

2007 Does Not Yet Rock
Fashion Nugget- Cake

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