Tuesday, December 18, 2007

This Is a Title

Oh so much on my mind and no outlet but words to a wife who is not particularly interested.

But Friday- then I'll have some time. Until then, who said this:
"Only when Christ comes again will the little white children of Alabama walk hand in hand with little black children."

It's not a contest- I'm still waiting for more entries to the last. I'll still send Robin M. her prize even if no one else comes along to beat "bleepin'," but "bleepin'" just doesn't seem that strong to me. (No offense, Robin M., but how I feel about schmaltzy Christmas artists seems to need a much stronger word).
Plus, it's not that difficult to find out. You can Google it.

It was a response to MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech.

I guess if I wanted to make it interactive, I could use it as a racism Rorschach.
Whether you think the quote is a problem or not reveals how much of a claim the anti-Christ has on your soul.
Okay. It could be that. Are you a white devil or aren't you? Respond to the quote and find out.


Robin M. said...

Christ HAS come again. George Fox said so 350 years ago, right? So what are we waiting for?

I'll work on the adjectives some more.

Skybalon said...

I think you hit on exactly why/how the author of the quote was able to say what he said.

When he heard these things he became very sad, for he was extremely rich.