Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pain Hurts

Not to say that it isn't brought about by poor judgment and choices, delusional self-conception, an inability to articulate or contextualize one's experience, no impulse control, etc... but the pain of adolescents is real. Often expressed as mopiness, cruelty, or histrionics, but real nonetheless.

What I often wondered though is wether it was exacerbated by bad music. Does teen poetry performed by complainy pop-stars do anything more than give a mopey temperament yet another thing to mope about?

I don't know. But I do know that, this morning, music is carrying the weight drugs can't.

Now that I write it... I think I already knew that.

I don't know why I'm not still in the hospital hooked up to a machine that is steadily delivering pain-killers... Oh wait, I do know why- I'm poor.

Yesterday, I traded this
for this.

It feels much worse than it looks.

Good Morning Opiates
The Smiths Library


Bob Ramsey said...

I'll be by with the That's What I Call Emo, Vol 4 later today.

I read a collection of Richard Ford short stories after my tongue surgeries. Just sayin' - but then again, they gave me morphene.

You know, you were almost quoting Nick Hornby from High Fidelity:

The unhappiest people I know, romantically speaking, are the ones who like pop music the most; and I don't know whether pop music has caused this unhappiness, but I do know that they've been listening to the sad songs longer than they've been living the unhappy lives.

Skybalon said...

I keep hearing good things about Nick Hornby. I'm afraid to read him though, afraid I might like him- afraid because, and this is a purely prejudicial assessment, Brit Lit strikes me as all Bridget Jones and other Hugh Grant fodder that I would be sad to enjoy.

But here, you have just pointed out, how wonderful he might be.

Robin M. said...

Nick Hornby is a decent antidote to Hugh Grant fodder, despite occasional casting errors. But don't bother with his Christian allegory "How To Be Good". Go for "High Fidelity".

Skybalon said...

See-it's suggestions like these that make it seem like I'm missing something by not reading Nick Hornby...