Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Do I Even Have A Computer Anymore?

I have become so undisciplined- doing all manner of things besides keeping up with my interwebjournal- or rather, keeping you up with my internetwebjournal. Of course by you, I mean the internets.

There've been a number of things I could've written about. There was the anniversary of the Treaty of Westphalia. That's worth commemorating because it marked the end of religious conflict and perhaps the beginning of Modernity. No one has killed anyone since then so it's a good thing to remember. Still, I never got around to that. I also thought about writing about how hard it is to hate Man U when Tevez and Rooney are playing. I'm sure there was some sort of "love the sinner hate the sin" lesson in that. Complaints about FSC are on my mind. The silliness of our "Forty Churches in Five Years" mantra keeps interrupting happier thoughts. I've been impressed by my Tues/Thurs AM students. I've been wondering if something called THE CHURCH can exist. All kinds of stuff just this past week- yet no posts.

What's wrong with me?

Well if I can't post something on Halloween, I don't deserve all of the candy I will be eating. So here's some creepy for Halloween:

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll
Woe oh oh oh oh oh

I also promise to write something about tonight's hoe-down and this weekend's Dia de Los Muertos festivities. Maybe I'll even do another live-blogging experiment from AAR.

Friday, October 12, 2007

That's All We Need

What's this? A blog posting. Hmmm... weird...

Just a few months ago, the Dominionist/Reconstructionist theology websites I read were all a twitter with the hope of Cialis user Fred Thompson making a run for the Republican Presidential nomination. Now that he has, and since he's been speaking more and more, his name doesn't come up so much. There is a lot of talk about MY PRESIDENT, though- about how he's lost his mind, how he's not a real convert, how he was never really a conservative. You know what they say about broken clocks. Add his position on the Armenian genocide resolution to the mix and there are a lot of panties in a bunch. Really.

All in all, there is a lot of panic and anger among the radical clerics on the right. I should be clear and differentiate between the panic of the Rushdoonian party and the chagrin of the Dobsonians. I should, but I won't. Broadly, all of a sudden, MY PRESIDENT isn't good enough for them. Suddenly, they can't carry his water. Now the last six years seem imperial and not eschatological. Now people want to know where the intersection of belief and action is (even if that action is rounding up the gays or jailing kids for having sex). Maybe, among Frederick of Hollywood, the Gay (well, Crossdressing and Lived with Gays) Divorcé, and the Mormon Frankenstein, it's hard to see any millennial or messianic continuity and there is some serious soul searching going on. Or maybe it's a bit more cynical; they just want to be asked to dance again. Whatever it is, there's now a lot of, "Well, we never liked him anyway," and "This party's not what it used to be" a la "Did we really say Jesus would return on that date? What we meant was..."

I see this as a good thing. I mean, that Thompson, and now no one, was their great hope rather than, say, Huckabee, makes the political cynicism of the militant Christianists a bit more transparent and may cause some serious and thoughtful reflection on everyone's part. Even their fear of women and black men can't bring them together, and don't be fooled, White Maoi, 9/11 in Drag, and Those Aren't My Grandchildren really want you to remember a women- a Clinton woman- could become president.

And this wholesale abandonment of the electoral process doesn't necessarily mean anything positive for the Democratic hopefuls. You cannot overstate how much most of America hates women, black people, and men who comb their hair.

But all of this was before today- before the Nobel Peace Prize announcement. If you're a lunatic afraid of persecution and the novus ordo seclorum, doesn't this prove there is some liberal global cabal? WE are alone in the world- an autocephalic light for Christ. And now with the General Secretary of the UN speaking of his faith and quoting scripture (gees, Anti-Christ, how about some subtlety) there may be enough motivation on their part to come together to save America.

This is their kairos. Maybe.

"a women"? Nothing for two weeks and "a women"? Nice.