Sunday, November 02, 2008

It's a Beautiful World

I'm sure you've heard that some voters are viscerally (read racistly) against voting for Obama but don't want to say so, so they use the Secret Muslim or We Don't Know Enough About Him memes to justify their not voting for him though they might were he white. That's silly, you don't have to be racist to not vote for Obama. It might help, but it's not necessary.
Likewise, you don't have to be not racist to vote for him. To wit, this Esquire article describing a white supremacist argument for supporting Obama:

White people are faced with either a negro or a total nutter who happens to have a pale face. Personally I’d prefer the negro. National Socialists are not mindless haters. Here, I see a white man, who is almost dead, who declares he wants to fight endless wars around the globe to make the world safe for Judeo-capitalist exploitation, who supports the invasion of America by illegals--basically a continuation of the last eight years of Emperor Bush. Then, we have a black man, who loves his own kind, belongs to a Black-Nationalist religion, is married to a black women--when usually negroes who have 'made it' immediately land a white spouse as a kind of prize--that’s the kind of negro that I can respect.

Esquire via BOING


Anonymous said...

Thats has to be fake, right? Isn't everything some sort of evil satire these days?

Skybalon said...

If you mean because everything about our lives is laughable, then yes.