Friday, July 22, 2005

Is There A Car Magnet For This?

There's an article in today's LA Times about the war in Iraq being "on track." You could see it here too. Remember that this was about the threat of chemical and nuclear weapons, no regime change, no wait terrorism? Remember predictions that claimed US forces would be done and home in maybe 3 months- 6 at the most, that coalition forces would enter and be welcomed as liberators, that oil money would pay for the war? Remember those things? Remember the actual decision to send in military without the necessary body and vehicle armor, remember the decision to disband the Iraqi army and leave them unemployed? All part of the plan. Right on track. Nothing at all wrong with this picture.

So 2000 (and counting) dead coalition forces are "on track." Over 20,000 Iraqis killed are all part of the plan. These are real people. There are real consequences to the decisions that have been made by this administration that we have chosen.

We are participants.

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