Friday, July 29, 2005

This will not do.

I won't beat around the bush; I am not persecuted. I may have unpopular views. I may have made certain sacrifices on account of what I think I am supposed to do, but I have a pretty comfortable life by the world's standards. I can attend the church of my choice. My job is not in any danger. I have a lot of freedom to start just about any type of ministry I'd like at my church. My life is not in any danger because of what I believe or say. I have never been physically threatened for saying I follow Jesus. And because of this it seems all I can say is I follow Jesus. What evidence is there that the love of Jesus that so threatens the powers of the world is in me? What is there other than my words?
Is this why statements of faith are so important to churches? It is so difficult to see what we believe by our actions we have to spell it out. Is this the age of the Church's suburban exile?

1 comment:

Aaron C said...

Actions speak louder than words, not because of volume but because of abundance. The Church puts so much energy into statements of faith because their afraid that if they were to be known just by their actions people would be unclear about where they stand. Which means the Church isn't doing enough to gain credibility.