Friday, March 23, 2007

In Fact, They're A' Peeling Him Off The Sidewalk

I don't think he cares, but MY PRESIDENT appeals to me when he talks about Latin America...


I find MY PRESIDENT appealing when he talks about Latin America. Even though I distrust the neo-liberal model of the world that equates democracy with capitalism and capitalism with US economic colonialism, I find his thoughts on Latin America to be one of the few areas where he is speaking about something for which he has actual thoughts and cares. I don't buy almost anything he says about the region, but at least it is one of the few times he is not talking out of his butt. Or even if he is, at least his butt has given it some thought.

That appeals to me, though I don't think he is trying to appeal to me, or people like me.

I think this is a reason he appeals to so many Evangelicals.

By his design, or that of his handlers, he surrounds himself with like-minded loyalists who have no time nor need to consider any view but their own because they are right. I guess it's not just him- I know it's not just him. It's an entire culture.

Tom Delay has been on radio and TV lately hawking whatever it is the Devil has him hawking. He said things that were very telling. Tom Delay said it's been four years since America has been attacked by "these" terrorists and that's why we have to be in Iraq.


On national television- the former House Majority Leader called the Hammer for his reputation of disciplining those not in agreement with him said the US was attacked four years ago (?) and we had to strike back (?) and that's why we're in Iraq(?).

That's absolutley not true but that is his justification for why we are who we are.

He also said on NPR that he had a responsibility to destroy those that didn't see the world as he did and create a governmental structure that would prevent them from having any say in government.

His job was to eliminate those that did not share this false sense of the world?

John Bolton was on the Daily Show explaining this regime's conception of democracy: MY PRESIDENT- or any president- only has to represent those that voted for him. People that don't share or support your agenda are not Americans, at least they're not the right kind of Americans.

In case you didn't know, that's not democracy. Even if it's hard to define as it's actually experienced- it's not that.

Okay, maybe you say Tom Delay is an aberration and doesn't represent MY PRESIDENT or his ideology. And John Bolton's lost his job, so he isn't representative of what MY PRESIDENT is all about either. I'd say you're wrong and the whole history of MY PRESIDENT valuing loyalty over competence, dismissing and discounting alternative perspectives, fabricating and/or selectively believing and interpreting "facts," and the IGMFY mentality would say so as well.

Do you remember how Dick Cheney said, "simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction?" The being wrong part isn't as problematic as the "no doubt," because, well, there was a lot of doubt. At least others doubted it, questioned it, wanted to understand it. But there was no room for doubting the earth was created in six literal days- I mean, no room for doubting the existence of weapons of mass destruction because it did not fit in with their agenda or sense of what they wanted the world to be. Though I wouldn't guess Cheney actually believed there were weapons of mass destruction- it was just something necessary to affirm to get along.

And this current mess with the fired USA's fits right in with that. Doesn't it? I mean even if you think it's okay to fire otherwise competent federal prosecutors just because you don't like that they are investigating your criminal friends, isn't MY PRESIDENT's stonewalling and saying he and his employees have no obligation to tell the truth, and has no responsibility to anyone else leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth? It should.

America is only for those people who support them. They only need to address the interests of those who match up with their way of thinking. The world is for those who share their vision of what the world is and for. What a weird sense of America that is. What a weird sense of the world that is. But what a sense of America that seems to match up so well with what Evangelicals seem to think churches are for.

Is that where we are- is that what we value? Leaders who's greatest strengths are disregarding others and surrounding themselves with yes men? Presenting a world of cosmic war where you're either "we" or "other?" Creating a sense of fear and persecution and setting the truth of your claims on various types of coercion?

Our country's... and churches are being run by high schoolers- a certain type of high schooler anyway.

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