Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We Can Beat Them, Just For One Day

It's easy to be sanctimonious and cynical about... well, everything. It's cheap and easy. Everything is pfft. But I'm not. I don't mean I'm not pfft. I mean, despite evidence to the contrary, I am not sanctimonious and cynical. Though that doesn't mean we are not surrounded by fluff and fodder. If I say something is a pile of crap, it is only because I have a good view while floating in the cesspool. I am not above it.

If it wasn't for a Christian perspective I would probably be an anarchist of some sort. I would probably have an overdeveloped sense of things deserving to be destroyed and toppled by virtue of their lack of virute. I would probably give the wrong time, stop a traffic line, and the like, anything to show that things are only worth being toppled. But, though it seems we, especially WE, are confronted and overcome by the Word- that we are confronted and overcome by the Word is a matter for hope and not despair. So it's not for the fire. In fact, I don't, now see how it can be. Especially if it is a matter of some nature that this Word is for us.


Nonetheless, in a sense of my prophetic duties, I confess I err on the side of critique.

Long time readers of my worldwidediary are probably related to me but even those who aren't would likely remember a wonderful feature called the "Frequently Feingold" in which I would highlight the various heroic doings of the hope-inspiring Senator from Wisconsin, Russ Feingold, peace be upon him. It's been a while but it's not because he has been any less heroic. I'll admit I was greatly disappointed by his decision to not run for president (even that was a mark of great character and integrity). And just as it took me a long time to ever watch Jeopardy again after my disappointment, it took me a long time to return to Russ Feingold, peace be upon him, hagiography.

This to say the Frequently Feingold is coming back. I know I know. It is wonderful. Settle down. But by way of reintroduction, I am doing something a little different. You can go here for a Russ Feingold, PBUH, fix, (If it doesn't comfort and inspire you, you are dead inside.) but I'm going to broaden its sense here for a bit and use this as an introduction to a new feature that honors Heroes of Virtue after the Manner of Russ Feingold, PBUH.

For asking Countrywide Financial CEO if he was going to try to somehow blame the mortgage implosion on Bill Clinton:
Rep. Paul Kanjorski of PA.
Seriously, that was just a good line.

For calling BS on Citibank Compensation Committee Chair and Citibank's compensation criteria:
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton of DC.

For making the Congressional Oversight Committee meaningful:
Rep. Henry Waxman of CA

I think, you're supposed to say, "Lord, here our prayer," or something like that after each one.

So there you go. I care. I'm vulnerable. So what?

If you think that's something, wait until tomorrow.

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