Monday, August 01, 2005

What Has Been Will Be...

So, according to W, the post of US Ambassador to the UN is "too important to leave vacant any longer" but not too important to make sure it is filled by someone who has the full confidence of the body constitutionally designated to approve presidential appointments or the credibility to speak on behalf of the US to the UN. Isn't this the perfect time to be blindly committed to ideology? (Plus the post isn't vacant, it is currently filled by Anne Patterson. And if the job is so important why appoint someone for just 6 months? Bolton only has until the next session of Congress to serve.

In other news... Have you ever thought you had an original idea only to learn that someone else a long time ago had the same idea? I thought I came up with the idea of the suburban captivity of the church. It turns out someone named Gibson Winter wrote a book using that title. I don't know what his conception of the term is but I suppose I shouldn't use it. I don't figure I'm the first person to think of the suburbs as a spiritual war zone or an opiate for the church but I thought I had coined a cute term for describing broadly how the proverbial whore of Babylon has lulled a large portion of the Western Church into a secure and flaccid complacency. Wow, doesn't that sound crazy? It's nothing new to say that the goals of the American Dream are at odds with the requirements of the Gospel. That's important to remember, perhaps it is best then that I not have the distraction of thinking I am so clever to have come up with a cute little label for it.

More on the general conception later though.

1 comment:

Paddy O said...

My first professor of Historical Theology made an excellent point which I've discovered confirmed over and over again. He said, "Everything original in the Church was found in the first 500 years. Everything since than has been commentary."

Or something like that. It's been ten years and the class was after lunch so I was always a little drowsy.

I added a corollary. "If you think you are being original, then you just haven't read enough."

Personally, I like it now when I find folks who pre-agree with my original thoughts. And the more distant in history the more I like it. It makes me feel like I'm tracking with something, like I found this obscure trail covered by brush but which leads to a beautiful waterfall. In making note of these things we can help clear the trail so that others walking by don't get lost.

Or at the very least makes me feel less lonely. Loons love company.