Friday, June 02, 2006

Hello, It's Me, Lightning; Is There Anyone In There Praying to Not Be Struck By Me?

Fire officials think the lightning likely struck across the street from the couple's home and traveled into the house through a water line. The lightning continued into the couple's backyard and ripped open a small trench.

CBS News

All right, I've been gone a while, I'm presumptuously pretending you noticed. I still shouldn't be writing this even now; I have a couple of things I need to finish today. But some things can't be left alone. I don't know if this is one of those things, but I'm going to pick at it anyway.

It turns out a mom who was praying that her family be protected from a lightning storm was struck by lightning herself. "She said 'Amen' and the room was engulfed in a huge ball of fire." What can you say about that? Had she not been praying would she have died? Would her children have been struck rather than her? Would her house have burned down? I don't know... neither does anyone else. But more than that, I don't know what this means; nobody does. But that won't stop some from speculating and finding some type of meaning in it- and then declaring it definitively.

"The 65-year-old Brown said she is blessed to be alive." I agree with that. I feel blessed to be alive- even as I am aware of the suck that goes on around me. But I think I feel more blessed to be alive and not have been struck by lightning. I think I feel more blessed to be alive, not be struck by lightning, and not have a room in my house blown up. I feel blessed to not have a bolt of lightning chase me from across the street and knock me down so that no one in my family has to find me unconscious on the floor. If I was struck by lightning, I don't think I would feel blessed unless I came away from it with some sort of superpower. Maybe.

Maybe I don't know how I would feel about being struck by lightning unless I am actually struck by lightning. But I think I feel blessed to be alive, not living in Alabama, not being struck by lightning, having a lot to do...

Maybe Clara Jean Brown wasn't feeling blessed enough so she needed to be taught a lesson.


Anonymous said...

With my superpowers (rearranging matter) i'd turn you into metal after you've shot lightning from your fingers and then it would strike you...leading to the ultimate comic irony. SURVIVE THAT!

Skybalon said...

Lightning isn't my superpower. I said I would only feel blessed if I was struck by lightning and came away with a superpower like that. My superpower is essentially being able to manipulate atoms as I described here. It sounds like we have similar powers. That probably means we're mortal enemies.