Monday, August 06, 2007

Hey Hippie, We're Totally Spreading the American Style of Government?

Trading individual liberties for a false sense of security. An executive that has given himself the authority of a tyrant. Randomly eavesdropping on the public to protect national security. Attributing domestic problems to some nebulous foreigner.

Oh those silly other people, when will they learn?

You know, white people in America are very concsious of racism... in other countries. At least some recent research suggests that white Americans can be very sympathetic and critical when analyzing racist and oppressive tendencies around the world but cannot apply the same template to America. According to the research they can even critically theorize about abstract and hypothetical situations, but when it comes to looking at domestic conditions it seems "we" largely imagine racism ended when Rosie Parkes became the first black bus driver or something like that. Other countries are backwards, undemocratic, oppressive, and racist. America suffers from too many lazy colored folks (even if those colored folks are, at one time or another in history, white- I'm thinking of those dirty papists that ruined America in previous centuries).

If you're too not white, I mean lazy, to check the link above, it's about Zimbabwe and their great leader's decisions. It's easy for us to see them as horribly backwards and too willing to submit to an over-reaching authority. It's probably because of their tradition of tribalism, a strong chief, or some other inherent, insurmountable condition (they're African). We could never fall victim to that because of our rich Western European- specifically English- heritage that deeply values freedom and distrusts consolidated power. Well you could never fall for that. I come from a Spanish and Latin American background- neither of which values the great Western tradition of political freedom. Unfair elections, militarism, selling public resources to the highest bidder, religious fanaticism- that's all I bring to the table. I'm sorry- but thank you, WHITE AMERICA (but I repeat myself) for keeping America scandal and oppression free and making it a shining example of freedom- so unlike the rest of the world- especially that horrible Zimbabwe.

Am I right or am I right?

Anyway, that tendency to not see what's going on in our own living rooms might mean something here. They're racist, I'm just honest. They lie and cheat, I'm just doing what I have to protect my interests. Something like that.

1 comment:

Bob Ramsey said...

The President fits the profile of several Quaker reformers who don't worship with Friends or much at all anywhere in that he almost never goes to church.

But this week, I'm just a New York liberal, so what do I know?