Friday, September 21, 2007

But I'm Just One Person, What Can I Do?

Do you ever wonder what you can do to SUPPORT THE TROOPS? Is your car already losing too much gas mileage from the weight of so many yellow ribbon magnets?

Maybe, this is something-

U.S. Military Cemetery Running Out of Space
U.S. Sens. Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts, both Kansas Republicans, on Thursday sent a letter to William Tuerk, the under secretary for memorial affairs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, urging for full funding for a new cemetery for Fort Riley...

...Fort Riley can bury bodies on top of other bodies if family members want to share a plot, said Kohler.


This seems like the kind of thing the church- I'm sorry- THE CHURCH can get behind.

Sponsor a grave.

Sure, it's not as supporty as extending tours of duty or using up the loyalty of those people that serve in the military by forcing them to sell broken policies, but THE GOVERNMENT will do what they can do and we'll do what we can do- and never the two shall meet.

In fact, sponsoring a military grave seems like the perfect symbolic action for THE CHURCH right now.

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