Thursday, January 17, 2008

Not The Noel Coward Post

I was camping this past weekend. For all the work I put into it, it's a bit sad that people still know it's me in my Carmen Miranda get up.

But seriously, folks.

We got back home at about 7PM on Monday. And to be clear, when I write camping, I mean I was at a place called "Camp." It wasn't what most of us call camping- what I generally consider camping. No tent. No packing in my own food and cooking it on a little stove. No burying my poop. None of that. I slept soundly in a heated building, took hot showers, ate 3 meals a day and had a place to dry my wet clothes... and I dressed up as Rita Hayworth.

Anyway, I was tired and only now feel fully recovered and rested from the weekend. I enjoyed the weekend. I don't think I could say more than that without sounding cheesy.

I feel I want to say it was something like "great" or "wonderful" but I'm not sure I should. Don't adjectives like great or wonderful sound trite? Maybe they only sound trite in reference to something that really is great or wonderful but for me suggesting that it was great or wonderful seems a bit pretentious since I helped plan the great and wonderful experience. Or maybe I don't want to say it was great or wonderful because I did help plan it and if everybody else thinks it was less than great or wonderful, here I'll be with egg on my face.

Well... no, it's not really either of those things. I really did enjoy myself but am reluctant to describe it beyond that. I don't mean it was so over the top that words fail to describe the experience. Only that the words that I might use to describe it wouldn't mean much if I don't explain it more fully and to explain it more fully would, to my mind, diminish some of its significance for me.

Or maybe explaining it more would give it a sense of completion that I don't think is appropriate yet. I mean there are certain things that I think I must do in response to what I experienced or learned and unless or until those things are done it's not something to describe.

Maybe that's silly, but I think to perhaps best give a sense of what I took from it I simply have to do what I think will best give a sense of what I took from it.

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