Monday, January 28, 2008

This is all you're getting out of me today. I say that like it's a bad thing, but really, this is better than anything I would have written, or anything else you will read, today.

In case you are link weary, here's an excerpt- and inducer:
State of the Union Drinking Game
by Will Durst*

"What you need to play:

4 taxpayers: 1 rich white guy wearing a suit, tie loosened. 2 folks (any sex) wearing jeans, 1 in a blue work shirt, the other in a flannel shirt, and 1 person wearing clothes that look like they were dragged through the sluice chute of the Three Gorges Dam. Belt and shoelaces secured in a safe place.

1 shot glass per person. Everybody furnishes their own, placing it on a coffee table in front of the television. Suit gets to choose first among the assembled shot glasses for use during game. Blue shirt picks next, then Flannel shirt. Suit takes last shot glass as well, and Rags must arrange to rent it from him for the evening or drink out of own cupped hands.

Everybody antes 10 bucks. Cash. Except Suit, who tosses in an I.O.U.

1 pot of Texas Chili, and a bowl of guacamole in middle of coffee table with Kettle Brand Salt & Fresh Ground Pepper Krinkle Cut™ chips nearby. If any players are women, they have to prepare and serve the chili and guacamole. Otherwise, buy some pre- made stuff at Costco.

Rules of the Game
1. Whenever George W uses the phrase "economic stimulus package," the last person to slap his/ her hand to their own forehead, has to drink 2 shot glasses of beer. Every time the President says "make tax cuts permanent," everybody must drink a whole beer then throw the empties at the television. If can hits President's face, everyone else must drink 1 shot of beer.

4. Every time Senators John McCain, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama are shown in the audience, you have 30 seconds to throw a chip of guacamole at the television and if anyone makes a chip beard on one of the candidates, everyone else has to drink 5 shots of beer.

11. The 1st time George W mentions the tragic events of 9/11, the last person to eat 1 dollop of guacamole off a tortilla chip must drink 3 shots of beer. The 2nd time he mentions the tragic events of 9/11, the last person to eat 1 dollop of chili off a tortilla chip must drink 3 shots of beer. Continue to alternate. If you mischip, drink 2 extra shots of beer.

13. Whenever George W smirks during a standing ovation, take turns drinking shots of beer until the audience sits down. Do it double time if his shoulders shake with silent laughter. If George W winks and points to someone in the audience, Suit has to drink out of beer filled hands of Rags who gets to dry his hands on Suit's jacket."

*Interesting that Fred Durst's twin brother would be the exact opposite of him in terms of talent.

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