Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Let Me Tell You How It Will Be

This was why I even opened TextEdit.

It's tax day. If you'd like the Qweenbean to have a job in the fall, offer to pay more state taxes.

Oh, I'm kidding, your offer to pay more won't make a difference for her. Any additional funds would have to go for prison construction and the expansion of parole and probation programs. Plus you don't have to offer. You will pay more in the future, but that money will go to President Jesus' war. You owe, beyond the $700,000,000,000 that is spent on defense against the idea of an enemy, an additional $500,000,000,000 on the actual enemies we've recently created. I know, those aren't real numbers. So, if my math is right, which it likely isn't, that's about $2000 from each American owed to the future.

That's it.


I guess that's not that much. It's about 270 hours of labor for minimum wage earners, and what, that's only about six and a half weeks of full-time work. You're willing to give that for something we can call victory in Iraq, aren't you?

If you weren't currently employed, perhaps you could do your part by killing a teacher, setting a police car on fire, poison some food, dump some garbage in the street, knock over a stop light, take a dump on the sidewalk, I don't exactly know. You'll have to be creative and think of how you might quickly destroy those things we are slowly destroying through neglect... and active destruction, but don't forget the multiplier effect. You'll need to do a little bit more destruction than you think is appropriate. Don't get bogged down in trying to attribute values to those intangibles like reputaion, sowing the desire for revenge, regional instability, PTSD, what a human might be worth, an imperial corpse of a church, and the like. You'll just get frustrated. Focus on those things that you can enumerate and do.

The point is, we can all do our part to reap $2000 worth of death here that will be the result of our sowing death there. If everyone does a little, no one has to do a lot.

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