Friday, September 15, 2006

Liar, Madman, or Savior

I know it doesn't fit the type, but I really like the America represented by the highest ideals manifested in our founding documents. I know, I know, I'm a liberal. I'm supposed to hate America. I'm supposed to care more about ter'ists than Americans. I'm supposed to want us to be attacked, I'm supposed to want to tie the hands of our leaders so we lose the Ideological Struggle of the 21st Century. I'm supposed to "whatever the strawman du jour" is. I guess I'm a failure as a 'Merican and a hippy.

I know we confuse democracy with capitalism. I know many of the levers and avenues of power opt for an entrenched elite. Blah blah blah. Our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence are not perfect, nor is the Liberalism it represents, but the goal that we continually pursue and express this universal of freedom in concrete ways is quite an admirable model for government. Isn't that cool?

If you watched any of the president's Rose Garden press conference while you were getting ready this morning, you're a nerd. That's what I am. Maybe you're a nerd that was struck by a couple of things.

David Gregory finally asked the question that should have been asked long ago- the gist of it: What if others, Iranians or North Koreans for example, understood their laws to allow- in fact, wrote laws to specifically foster- the torture of captives? How would we like that? MY PRESIDENT gave an answer, but he didn't answer that question.

MY PRESIDENT seems to think freezing people, sexually humiliating them, and bringing them to the brink of drowning are how freedom is born. They are the unfortunate accoutrements of freedom's march- birth pangs indeed. I can understand this being acceptable if we were looking for witches- but bearing freedom? It doesn't seem fruitful.

MY PRESIDENT says he believes freedom is a universal idea. He says that a lot. Maybe being confused about what freedom is or not understanding the concept of a thing being universal is not lying, but it suggests one does not understand what is true.

The "President Lied" horse is dead and stinks. It is not moot because it is not true, but because those who understand it have seen enough evidence and those who don't will keep looking for the pony. His mendacity seems to go deeper than the words that come out of his mouth. As we know, this could only be the case; what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart.

Oh well, if you are a local reader and have time this Fall you should- could- help out with the Pomona Hope Community Center. If you have no other talents beside regularly showing up, there's a place for you. If you are particularly gifted in something like reading, tutoring, basketballing, watching people eat, computering, arts and crafting, there's a place for you there as well. The after school program resumes on September 25 but other things go on there also.

Maybe, if you go, you'll meet me there and see that I'm a lot less complainy in person.

I changed "as well" to "also." -ed.

Angry or Mopey?
Bullet In The Head Rage -Against the Machine
Pictures of You -The Cure
Half a Person -The Smiths
Damaged People -Depeche Mode (I have this in here?!- it kind of sucks)
All Along the Watchtower -Bob Dylan
Dynomite -Rhymefest
Piss on The Youth -The Briefs
Let's See Action -The Who
Mayonaise -Smashing Pumpkins
Son Abajeno -Mexican Mariachi Band
Island In the Sun -Weezer

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