Friday, March 13, 2009

While You Were Sleeping

If we have another child it will be named Jonathan Stewart [skybalon]


Rachel Maddow[nominalized] [skybalon]

Barring that possibility, they ought to be declared Servant of God*. God knows the church can use the inspiration.

* Without their needing to be dead- we're not Catholic after all.


Sarah Palin said...

It's sad that we have to get this kind of well thought, quality, hard question-asking journalism from a comedy news show.

Let it be known - the public beating has not gone out of style.

Skybalon said...

What gets me is these are our prophets, these are the voices calling out those who call evil good, justify the wicked for reward, devour the poor, blah blah blah.
Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow are the ones calling out sin while we in churches are content to say, "Don't worry, God will take care of you, it'll be better when you're dead. Oh, and don't be gay."
Their words and actions indict us as much as they do the oligarchs (and thank God people are willing to use that word again).