Tuesday, January 10, 2006

We Know That In Everything God Works For Good With Those Who Love Him

We knew we were a good distance from the hub for great DSL service. That's why Verizon doesn't offer it for our neighborhood, they'd just rather avoid the customer service problems and say, "No" then offer garbage and later say, "Sorry." Earthlink on the other hand has no problem subleasing the lines and offering discounted DSL service. Well, you get what you pay for and the technician laughed that we're paying anything for the speed of our info. transfer. So I have to buy a new modem if I want things to work again out here in the boonies of Glendora. Or this might be the moment Cyndi and I decide to get cable.

Imagine how more well versed I'll be in the goings on and machinations of our culture with cable TV. It boggles the mind- I mean already look how I am the vanguard of our cultural experience. Case in point: yesterday I said, obliquley at least, in the face of everything the MSM is saying, that the whole Abramoff mess is a uniquely Republican scandal. And now today, after Blitzer's exchange with Dean,* people are opening their eyes to that fact. Oh no, what if instead of being above the din- I am seduced by the white noise of cable TV?

I guess that's a concern, but no more is being monitored a worry. Once again, I learned that I shouldn't complain or suspect the worst from people.

Wife of Skybalon: When did I get this message about student teaching?
Skybalon: I don't remember. I told you the other day but I left the paper on the counter
Wife of Skybalon: I don't remember you telling me
Skybalon: Well I did-
Wife of Skybalon: When did you write this?
Skybalon: I don't remember? I just found it today in a stack of papers and put it back by the phone when I was cleaning the drawer
Wife of Skybalon: When did he call?
Skybalon: I don't know, sometime last week. But I know I told you
Wife of Skybalon: I don't remember you telling me

phone rings

Skybalon: Hello
Voice: Let me see... here it is: January 4th- Subject's wife arrives at residence at 1743... greetings exchanged... is informed she has messages. Subject does not specify if these messages are written or on answering machine
Skybalon: What?
Voice: You told her she had messages but she may not have thought to look for written messages in addition to those on your machine.
Skybalon: What?
Voice: Plus a written message would easily get lost in that pile of papers you have by your phone
Skybalon: Who is this?
Wife of Skybalon: Who you talking to?
Skybalon: I dunno but he says I told you
Wife of Skybalon: Who is this?
Voice: He told you, but it looks like you put the mail on top of the messages he wrote down for you.
Skybalon's Wife: Oh...
Voice: And tell him he's intermingling non CRV glass with the CRV recyclables. They won't take it like that. Have a good night.
Wife of Skybalon: Okay... thanks... bye.

See- everything's great.

*If you are unfamiliar with the exchange (the transcripts don't do justice to Blitzer's hemming and hawing), on Sunday, Dean pretty much surprised Blitzer with facts about the Abramoff scandal being peculiar to Republicans. To be sure, there is plenty of scandal and corruption among Democrats, and politicians in general, but this time only one gang got caught.

I wonder why an independent journalist would be using RNC talking points in his work. That's weird. It's a good thing there are so many liberal media outlets to tell us there is a liberal bias in the media. Otherwise events like this might make someone think journalists like Blitzer are simply mouthpieces for a particular party.

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