Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Have The Rolling Stones Killed

Stop Stealing My Pants wants to take me to a concert as a birthday gift.

Clearly, as anyone can see by looking at my playlists, I like too many great bands. How can I choose?

She called it a We're Just So Busy Gift- as in I'm giving you a gift that's going to force you to spend more time with me. I'm considering taking the joke another step further and picking a band that neither of us would like- is Deal or No Deal still taping? That would be good and unpleasant. Oh I know- a Republican debate. The awkwardness will make it a very We're Just So Busy event.

I was actually dropping hints for something like this birthday past but no one loved me enough to take me to see The Pixies. I would actually very much like to see a performance of Madam Butterfly

Oh, and guess what I'm watching tonight.

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