Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oh Right...

I forgot to mention another kind of racist.

The Dead Kind.

"The Rev. Jerry Falwell, the television evangelist who founded the Moral Majority and used it to mold the religious right into a political force, died today shortly after being found unconscious in his office at Liberty University. He was 73."

LA Times


Christopher Frazier said...

That's the sound of the other shoe dropping.

Skybalon said...

Okay it's cruel and obvious, no, actually I think a Supreme Courth case declared him fair use... So-
That was actually the sound of his neck waddle hitting his desk.
That was the sound of God beating him over the head with a Bible- just like... m'eh...
It doesn't seem as fun as it should.
Oh I bet he's enjoying the 10 mile fried chicken trough in the sky. That's how God's gonna break him into being in heaven with THE GAYS.
If only there was enough Crisco on this side of death...