Monday, June 30, 2008

As Ann as the Nose on Plain's Face

A dummy once told me that there are three ways we can be- we as America. First, we could lose this war of civilizations to Islam. Second we could be overly influenced by decadent atheistic Europe. Or third, we could be strong Christian America. It was kind of boiler plate for him to say those things.

He once wrote an article that was very popular saying much the same thing. And now magically, that article is not available on the internets, well not on his archived articles internets.


Watching the opening ceremony to the Euro final told me three things:
1. The godless don't appreciate flash. I mean, helium balloons and orchestral anthems when you can use fighter jets and R&B caterwauling.? It's probably because they have no God so are easily impressed whereas knowing such a big impressive God, we require much more to be amazed.
2. They're not doing decadence correctly. Their dancing girls are fully dressed for God's sake. Even their "cheerleaders" have their bellies covered.
3. They're better than us. It's a good thing God is on our side.

1 comment:

Sarah Palin said...

This article is worth commenting simply because of the title.