Friday, July 11, 2008

What Are You Kidding? We Got a Family Here!

Longtime readers of my intertubes journal may be willfully bringing harm to their souls but may also note that I have been uncharacteristically silent of late. It's because finally, the Qweenbean can be saved.

After planning and throwing a 4th of July Picnic/Chili Cook-off, The Qweenbean gave birth to our baby. That ought to go on a resúmé. It's pretty impressive. I mean, after just helping to pull that stuff together, all I wanted to do was sit around with friends and watch a movie. In fact, that's what we were doing before our baby was born. So she's here, and while I'd hate to seem obsessed or overly doting, I should say she's pretty much the greatest thing ever. I know everyone says that about their kids, but I would bet that when I say it, it's really true. She's the best there is. Of course knowing me, I'm just writing that as a demonstration of the nature of things that we say are true. Or maybe I really do mean it. Or maybe it's both.

In any case, we are only just adjusting to this new world into which it seems three (at least) rather than one was born, hence a dearth of blog posts or other contact with the outside world. Even this one will have to be quick, so on to what's important: The Qweenbean being saved.

Of course, you know what I'm talking about- well if you're a Christian that doesn't just pretend to believe the Bible you know what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about Paul's inerrant declaration that women will be saved through childbirth.

I know, I know, it's possible to read that 1 Timothy passage other ways, as saying women will be saved through childbirth, as in women need not be overcome by the process, but in fact will endure safely through it, as an example. But that would be willfully ignoring the broader testimony of scripture that sees the pain of childbirth as a curse and the presence of children as evidence of God's favor. I guess it's also possible to say we really don't know what that bit o' Bible is talking about or that it doesn't relate to our present experience, even as people of faith, but any of that may lead us down roads that we've not already travelled. And if it's a road we've not already travelled how would we know it's a road we can travel?

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