Is There a Three-Eyed Fish We Can Offer John McCain?
Here's a fun quiz. Guess who said each below: C. Montgomery Burns or John McCain.

Answers in comments.
1.) We're gonna send a message to those bureaucrats down there in the capital!
2.) If I'm elected, I will lower taxes whether those bureaucrats in the capital like it or not!
3.) And I want to warn them- I want to warn them- every single one of them, stand by because change is coming... We're gonna shake things up.
4.) Some voters respond to my integrity, others are more impressed with my incorruptibility. Still others buy my determination to lower taxes. And the bureaucrats in the capital can put that in their pipes and smoke it!
5.) I've fought big spenders who waste your money on things you neither need nor want.
6.) This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That's democracy for you.
7.) At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.
If you didn't do so well, you can review most of the material. First, watch the episode of The Simpsons wherein Burns runs for governor. Then watch the video of McCain speaking in Lebanonn, OH, here, starting at the 15 minute mark. Then try again.
ed.- References to state or federal office have been edited for the sake of the quiz.
Actually, they're all McCain
1. Burns
2. Burns
3. McCain
4. Burns
5. McCain
6. Burns
7. McCain
Somebody buy me Photoshop
I think I'd rather a cartoon run for president.
where is the "cunt" quote from? that's the kind of man I want in office (because I know my place).
It would be funny to say it was from a birthday toast he offered his wife, but it wasn't.
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