Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Neither Here Nor There

But fun nonetheless

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, [yes, of those Rothschilds] a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee, will endorse John McCain for president on Wednesday, her spokesman tells CNN.

The announcement will take place at a news conference on Capitol Hill, just blocks away from the DNC headquarters. Forester will “campaign and help him through the election, [when not otherwise occupied making fur coats from Dalmation skins]” the spokesman said of her plans to help the Republican presidential nominee. [And please note, she is the kind of person who makes announcements via news conference on Capitol Hill to simply state one's opinion.]

Forester was a major donor for Clinton earning her the title as a Hillraiser for helping to raise at least $100,000 for the New York Democratic senator’s failed presidential bid.

In an interview with CNN this summer, Forester did not hide her distaste for eventual Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him,” she said of Obama [while soaking in a champagne filled bathtub] in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him. [I generally only trust people after I've had the opportunity to bond with them summering on the Adriatic.]”

Forester is the CEO of EL Rothschild, a holding company with businesses around the world. She is married to international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Forester is a member of the DNC’s Democrats Abroad chapter and splits her time living in London and New York [where she has a swimming pool filled with gold coins].


Sean Christopher said...

On the subject of your post a while back about the gays:

Did you hear about Ray Boltz? I hear having an opinion on his personal life and family is now our Solemn Duty.

Skybalon said...

Of all the things "our" filter blocks the Washington Blade isn't one of them? Go figure.

Steven Curtis Chapman, Amy Grant, Ray Boltz? I wish there was a word that meant "gay" the way high school boys use it. As in, "You like Maroon 5- that's gay." I've known gay people who use the word that way- but I just don't feel right about that.

Anyway, I bet if it's a Solemn Duty I can't have just any opinion... What does James Dobson or Tony Perkins want me to think about it?