Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Only Thing We Have Is Fear Itself

Do y'all 'member that study by the high falutin' Rand Corporation that was publicized a bit ago explaining to us how some 600 plus terr'ist groups they studied were not overcome through military action? They said 'twere like using an axe to kill fleas on your hound dog; the fleas get away and your hound dog either bites you or dies.

(I'm trying to be folksy here, people, I've learned it's the only thing people listen to).

I can't think of anything my mama used to say about this so I guess I'll give up small towny talk.

The gist of the report was that terrorism was best addressed as a criminal or political activity. That is, it took the same kind of investigation and prosecution one uses on criminal activities to stop it or that violent groups eventually burned out and were absorbed in to political processes when allowed. We must love us some war quite a bit to give up the possibility of a Law & Order: Freedom Lovers Unit or CSI: Kabul to go for a Global War On Terror the way we do. I think the theme for CSI: Kabul would be I Can't Explain.

They also added that it was stupid to call "it" a "war" on terror because it legitimizes (and I guess valorizes) people and groups that use terrorism as a method and frames the matter in such a way that we are encouraged to misapply our resources- like failing to kill fleas with an ax and so assuming one ought to buy a bigger ax. Clearly, a more reasonable policy would be more oriented about warrants, investigations, and trials than territory occupied and body counts.

But reasonable shmeasonable, am I right? And obviously, by shmeasonable I mean, "fails to account for the meaning and identity we find in the idea of war". Forget about the insidious fascism and war profiteering for a moment; that's just gravy. What we really love about it and get from it is this horrible infantilism where we simultaneously live in fear and project the idea of strength. It allows us to surrender any sense of accountability, see everything as a threat, and submit to a rigid paternalism that can do no wrong in a "my dad can beat up your dad, especially when he's drunk, so I love it when he's drunk" kind of ethos. It's an infantilism that precludes everything but the most oblique criticism. These colors don't run, freedom isn't free, never forget, united we stand are not merely slogans- they are firm stakes laying out our impenetrable but fragile boundaries. Threatened by even their own emptiness they require the most rigid foundation. That just feeds the fascism and profiteering- bonus for The Man.

This isn't partisan. Of course Republicans own Iraq and seem especially adept at mongering fear, but Afghanistan seems to be the country where Democrats want to prove they can pee standing up, too. It's what we're asking for. We're dumb. We want to see who can yell, "I smash good" most loudly.

Fitting I suppose, lately I can't seem to say more than, "Ugh."

I'm Busy Remembering Today
Your Redneck Past- Ben Folds Five
Suzie- Boy Kill Boy
Manic Depression- Jimi Hendrix
Stairway to Heaven- Led Zeppelin
Broken Face- Pixies
Nic Fit- Sonic Youth

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