Friday, September 12, 2008

Ridiculously Good Looking

-You've said that church can't be something we just do on Sundays
-I know, isn't that mind-blowing?
-Okay. I was wondering what you mean by that. Can you share an idea of what you say church is?
-Okay, an idea, all right, now imagine, and this is just off the top of my head remember, okay, we've got football season, now think of all those people who go to football games, or sit at home and watch football games instead of going to church. Can you picture them?
-How many do you think there are?
-Oh I don't know... thousands?
-Hundreds of thousands- maybe even millions- literally millions of unreached people coming together every Sunday waiting for the good news- now what if we, what if instead of sitting in our churches, what if we were to go to them. What if we had- we could call it Tailgate Church, and what if we, before games, we shared the good news of Jesus with them, had a time of worship for these people- we meet them where they are and then we all go to the football game. The fans are the congregation, the game is our place of fellowship.
-That doesn't sound anything like religion described in the Bible.
-I know. Well, I am a visionary. I really think it's my job to cast a vision for what's possible- to think "outside of the box", if you will. Did you get that? Could you be sure to put that I did the quotes around "outside of the box"?
But we need to think of the possibilities, where are the people we need to reach with this message? Where are the people where we aren't? Instead of waiting or hoping they came come to us- or even leaving behind these church growth philosophies that say we need to be attractive and "seeker sensitive"- see that model assumes people are seeking. -But fish don't go leaping out of the water into your boat, you need to go to the fish, you need to attract and catch the fish, we don't sit in our churches- even with the best bait- waiting for someone to show up. Here, and I think this is what is different and visionary about this model- we go to them, and it's not like street preaching where we make a spectacle of ourselves just to alienate people. This is showing people we are with them, but more importantly that Jesus is with them in everything they do.
-Doesn't that make it seem like anyone anywhere doing anything is a disciple of Jesus? All you need-
-Exactly. It's taking- Wait, remember how Jesus said it's not about religion it's about a relationship with God?
-Well, that's what it's about. It's about bringing your relationship to God with you into your workplace, into your school, your family, wherever you go and whatever you do. What we need to do is make it possible for people to see that. They can have Jesus, they need to have Jesus right there with them while they're cheering on their team. Jesus is with them and cheering them on, he loves to see that.
-I know- wow

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