Monday, October 27, 2008

I Still Wouldn't Say "Convinced"

What is this country coming to?

So a crazy white woman accuses a generic black man of attacking her and it turns out to be false. Forget the electoral elements of this, within living memory this type of accusation- even false- would have been enough to bring about the murder of any number of black men throughout the country, or in more enlightened environs, the arrest and imprisonment of some random innocent soul who made the poor choice of being tall, black, and young in the United States.

But the times they are a'changin'.

And it's these a'changin' times that still have me disagreeing with The Qweenbean over the possibilities of an Obama presidency.

You know people who were raised and taught by good decent upstanding folks who knew as plain as anything that black people... no not people... blacks were just different, in a worse kind of way, than white people. It wasn't about hate. It's not about hate. It's about the banality of racial epithets, the impropriety of mixed marriage, the existence of something you call race, and the sensible wisdom of the Biblical mandate to stick with your own kind. It's why a black* man was never going to be your pastor, your boss, your son in law, or your president.

But that world is ending and an apocalypse is seldom a welcome thing. It's difficult to see one's sense of everything come crumbling down. Who, except for those willing to accept the call to be the church**, can confront that? And even for those who have accepted the role of sojourner, it's not easy. It's with that dis-ease I am concerned.

There is a rationale to the craziness exhibited by someone whose foundations are failing. This "Everything is Dying and I Have to Make You See It" so I'll scratch a "B" on my face makes sense. It's a desperate and crazy sense- but still a sense. Her world is ending, nature and reason themselves are threatened, what else would you have her do?

The threatened and dying have a limited palette but can be inordinately loud; that's my concern.

If things are changing, if we are living through the death of one world and the birth of another in a significant way, there will be zombies. And we all know how awful zombies can be.

* And pay attention- black isn't a reference to skin color.

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