Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nuts and Gum, Together at Last

I've just seen this. It's the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are.

I like Where The Wild Things Are, David Eggers, Spike Jonze, and Arcade Fire...

Yet something doesn't sit well... I know it's just a trailer but it seems far more mopey... wan... maudlin... wistful... emo-soaked... than the book has ever seemed to me.

Is it the pall of golden light? That world strikes me as more vibrtant.
The sad pale little boy peering sadly around the corner or longingly out a schoolroom window? Max always seemed more confident to me.

We'll see. I like to be surprised. (Remember I said that when you leap out at me from a dark corner.)

1 comment:

Skybalon said...

Hey, if I'm wrong I'll be the second to say so.