Monday, April 09, 2007

That Was My Skull

I wonder how many moments there are like this in one's life.

Death doesn't stalk. It waits. It reads the paper. Plays video games. Stares out the window. It has time to watch infomercials and listen to Top 40. It sits on your couch in a stained gray t-shirt getting high, leaving its crap everywhere. You will die, but death doesn't chase you; it finally bumps into you indifferently.

Maybe the first and last leaves to fall from a tree matter. Someone might take notice of that. But the rest, the mess in between, is compost.

Death is not ambitious. It doesn't have to be. And so, I bet, there are many moments when the President of Ford Motor Co. keeps us from igniting a tank of compressed hydrogen. When the Stater Bros. cashier calls us back to initial a receipt and puts us 3 seconds behind an accident. When our iPod stops a bullet meant for our chest. When a stack of dirty magazines somehow smothers a house fire. When we smoke and drink heavily for 50 years and still don't have cancer.

Remember When Weezer Was Good?
Make Believe- Weezer

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