Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Unless You Turn and Become Like Children...

Watch this clip and note how the dialogue of Casablanca is especially wooden and hacky.

I don't mean to say, "Hey, did you ever notice Casablanca isn't so great? It's actually a poorly written and acted pile of crap. Who are the jerks that like this?"
It is wooden dialogue isn't it? And isn't the interaction stiff and awkward? But that's a good thing. The stiffness depends on the scene, they're actors acting like people who are acting like they aren't in an awkward situation. So that's good. I mean the stiffness performed in the scene is especially revealed by the voiceover.

And isn't the humor in Singin' in the Rain more humorous. It's not that the added voices are the joke- or the only joke. They seem to reveal more humor in the scene itself.

The scenes are fictions and so the supposedly unnatural layer returns us to the product of the fiction. It puts us into a critical mood so we might see the material as an object. I don't mean we see it objectively. Pfffttt. you should know how I feel about that. I mean we can see it a bit more as the part of a machine that it is.

How might I do that elsewhere?

Ugh- Now you have to go here

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