Sunday, February 03, 2008

We've Much to Be thankful For

I know sometimes I may seem a bit pessimistic or appear given to cynical suspicions and assumptions. If it ever seems that way it is only because I have a sense of transcendent hope; I believe in an an other-than-worldly potential. On what grounds could I possibly level a critique against narrow, self-interested, death-mongering or a deadly acquiescence to subjugating powers were it not for some sense of awareness of that which transcends our subjective existence?

Seriously, I mean on what grounds could I do it? Someone else might do it another way, but what else could I do? I despair only because I know there is a reason to hope.

So when I see examples of realized potential I am thankful and feel compelled to share those examples with you.

You've seen the new presidential dollar coins, yes? I, for one, love them. I wish we had five and ten dollar coins as well. I don't know if it's their cosmopolitan appeal or that there's something irresistibly power-uppy about them, but I often go out of my way to get change in these wonderfully alien bits of Americana. I'm also a fan of the unique state quarters but that's more a matter of seeing what each state imagines to be emblematic of itself. You're so lame, Michigan. But maybe there's something in the art work on these dollar coins too. Maybe I love the modern flare and pomposity of a 3/4 view portrait over the staid classical profile of all our other coins. Whatever it is- they're good.

I was aware, though, that some had a problem with these coins. Specifically, the problem was these coins had "In God We Trust" printed on the edge instead of on either face. To some, this seemed like a move to eliminate God from America or something like that. As at least one moron asked, "Has [sic] the ACLU and the militant atheists infiltrated the U.S. Mint?" It also didn't help that one run of the coins was mis-died and "In God We Trust" and "E Pluribus Unum" were left off entirely.

But like I said, this is supposed to be a happy time- and so it is. Thankfully, some very concerned Christians- deeply concerned Christians- concerned with the condition of our souls- concerned with how well we represent Jesus Christ- concerned with actually living out the good news of the Word, the Word that confronts us to change our history from death to life, from oppression to freedom- decided this is exactly the kind of thing the Gospel challenges. And challenge it, it has. Thanks to legislation sponsored by Sen. Sam Brownback, in the future, God will be right where God should be- eternally fixed next to a dead rich white person's face.


Aren't you inspired? Aren't you filled with the hope of God's spirit? Especially when you consider how small this group of concerned Christians must be, aren't you filled with the hope of possibility? If this small vocal group can change the very structures of government- literally- doesn't it give you confidence and a blessed assurance in the kind of faith that can move mountains?


And aren't you further blessed by the knowledge that we truly do have a responsive and representative government?

For such a time as this and all that..., dummies.

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