Friday, March 17, 2006

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Confetti Falling From the Ceiling

We have our first ever winner in the "Name The Source of the Headline Quote" contest. Danny Lopez of Jesus Drinks Mexican Smoothies guessed correctly. The quote was "He's evil, but he'll die. So I like it."

Tell 'em what he's won!

Danny you've won a handmade wooden stashbox from the Andes of Bolivia.
You don't have to keep drugs in it, boxes of this size are just called stashboxes.

Danny was the first and only entrant; so his answer, "Brush With Greatness," wins. Had a subsequent contestant also given me the name of the character that said it (Mrs. Hoover, I believe) along with the same information Danny gave, I would've handed the decsision to the judge (me). But this contest is now over.

Don't give up though, keep reading and keep your eyes open for the next Red Letter Headline. You could be the next to win one of hundreds of fabulous prizes I have to give.

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