Saturday, March 18, 2006


Congratulations to the most recent winner of the Red Letter Headline contest. Bob Ramsey knew the quote, "When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it," came form The Maltese Falcon. No one does general violence and misogyny like the communist Dashiell Hammett. Congratulations, Bob.

You Star Wars nerds missed a really great opportunity for some fantastic franchise material put out by Scholastic in cooperation with LFL. But don't let your miserable failure here keep you from missing out on future opportunities to be a winner. And the rest of you, who knows what fantastic prizes will be up for grabs next? Keep checking back here for more chances to play and win!


Bob Ramsey said...

I think you mean to say "misanthropy" rather than "misogyny" in Hammett's work. O'Shaunessey gets everything she deserves, while Joel Cairo's portrayal might raise some eyebrows, both waxed and natural, these days.

You can keep the story books. Buy me a burger instead.

Skybalon said...

You're right. I guess if anyone has it coming, she does. Although I am likely to forgive red-haired women a great many things.

And thank you for graciously saving me from getting a divorce... at least a divorce over over Star Wars books.