Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Slow News Day

I hope I've done this correctly. I got "tagged" with this by Bob a long time ago and I'm figuring this is how I'm 'posta do it. If'n I'm wrong, sue me.

Four Jobs I've Had
-Social Worker
-High School Teacher

Four Movies I Can Watch Over & Over
-I Heart Huckabees
-Raising Arizona
-Monty Python and the Holy Grail (like anyone who spends this much time online could put something else)

Four Books I Have Read Over and Over (I'm saying other than books o' the Bible- I read some of those a lot)
Barrel Fever -David Sedaris
The Innocents Abroad -Mark Twain
Breakfast of Champions -Kurt Vonnegut (he's a Jr.)
The Sickness Unto Death -Soren "Funny O" Kierkegaard (I know that sounds pretentious but I keep reading it 'cos I don't get it- see that's not pretentious)

Four Places I've Lived
-San Dimas
-Santa Barbara

Four Places I've Vacationed
-Patzcuaro and points around, Michoacan
-New York, NY
-San Francisco, CA
-Portland, OR (that might seem like a lame place to vacation, but I heart Portland)

Four TV Shows I "Love"
-The Office
-Arrested Development (sigh)
-The Daily Show
-I really got into Project Runway and think I will be as into Top Chef

Four Favorite Dishes
-Buffalo Wings
-Toro (Fatty Tuna) Sushi

Four Websites I Visit Daily
-Boing Boing
-BBC News
(What a jerk I must be)

Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now
-Post course-work
-With W and Ted Haggard in their weekly prayer meeting/conference call... Really is that where I would want to be right now? I don't know... That's what I'm putting... Okay. Assuming it's right now that's where I would want to be.
-With Cyndi, making improvements to a newly purchased home in P-Town
-Being congratulated for presenting such a brilliant paper at AAR

Four Things That Make Me Warmly Happy
-Watching my animals play
-Feeding wild birds
-Seeing people win
-Talking to strangers (sometimes)

My Addition Four People in the Public Domain (Celebrities) I've Met
-Jim Wallis
-Whoopi Goldberg
-Jesse Jackson
-Jack Hayford (I served him prime rib and about $375 worth of alcohol... not really. It was $500 worth of alcohol. Oh that's not true either. I don't remember what he drank.)

Four People I'm Tagging With This


Aaron C said...

What no "Simpsons"! This is how you reward them for about 9 years fantastic original television. I think you owe them a retraction and an apology.

Skybalon said...

I no longer look forward to new episodes. I enjoy the old stuff. I'll probably buy up to season 9, but I could not say I love the Simpsons- or maybe I love them, but I'm not in love with them.

Paddy O said...

I picked the Simpsons. You know Robert, just because the one you love gets old and the romance has died down doesn't mean you abandon them for the flavor of the week.

Skybalon said...

Yes it does- that's why I've been married four times now.