Tuesday, March 14, 2006

One Last Thing

So that last post was a bit long. I barely kept my interest to the bottom so can't expect anyone else would care to read that far. That being the case I thought I would make sure you knew the rules of the game:

I was playing this game with JonShoe wherein my post titles would be taken from movies and he would try to guess what they were from. He was able to get them more often than not. That's good, but for whatever reason I stopped doing that as much. I'm going to try to get back to that and open the game up to everyone. I will use more than movie quotes, that is they could be from TV shows, books, commercials, or some other source that tests your cultural literacy. So here're the rules: If the title of a post is in red, that is, red, it's a game quote. If you are the first one to respond with the correct citation and who said it, that is character and work, you'll win something good. If it's a disputed quote, get your own blog and make whatever rules you want- I get to say from where I culled said quote and who is right.

So who said it and in what? If you are the first to guess, you win this:

It's a handmade wooden stash box from Bolivia. That's kinda' cool isn't it? Really. There's a prize for this.

1 comment:

Daniel Lopez said...

"Brush with Greatness"
Thanks for not making fun of my genitalia. I thought I did.