Monday, March 06, 2006

They Hate Our Freedom

I'm not dead and in honor of that here comes some Hack

Al Franken has done USO tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh haven't. Even though he was and is against the invasion of Iraq, Al Franken has literally risked his life going to Iraq to entertain troops he doesn't think should have to be there. Rush Limbaugh has risked his life flying around in an Oxytocin haze. Al Franken is an America-hating hippy. Bill and Rush love America.

Not that the above means anything in relation to the following:
US service personnel are denied web access to Al Franken but not Bill or Rush. This isn't some random filter blocking either. It is the result of someone deciding what is and isn't good for personnel to read.

Isn't that funny?


Paddy O said...

Notably, Al Franken himself isn't blocked. Which I think works out better for everyone. I think most people would rather have Franken show up for a show than those other two. And given Air America's ratings in general it's not likely there's a huge outcry for such sites.

Of course, "our kids" are being controlled by "our other kids" so the military is still likely less controlling than an average church.

Skybalon said...

Did you really mean to say the military is less controlling than an average church? I know I don't know a lot of what there is to know, but I've never been told to shower with other men by my church. I've gotten to shower with other men- but I didn't have to.

Paddy O said...

Well, okay, I'll give you the showering bit. Though I think certain pentecostal churches do that. Then again, the showering bit is a regular part of going through public education. Sheesh, nothing is worse than the way our kids are controlled in the average junior high school.

The military, however, does allow all manner of other things which are frowned upon in Sunday morning services.

Plus, churches don't have cool stores to shop for cheap goods, or hefty retirement benefits, and hardly ever offer free higher education. So, on the balance I think the military beats the church for cost and benefits in all manner of topics.

Though, the particular folks who would find showering with men a benefit aren't allowed in the military, at least if they mention the fact.