Friday, February 16, 2007

Children Are The Future, Unless We Stop Them Now!

The United States and Britain ranked as the worst places to be a child, according to a UNICEF study of more than 20 developed nations released Wednesday. The Netherlands was the best, it says, followed by Sweden and Denmark.

LA Times

So kids here are worse off than in the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark. Sure, but don't they say you have to wait in line and fill out a bunch of forms to see a doctor there? It's not true, but isn't that what they say? And don't they all live together without geting married? And don't they have boxy cars and cheap furniture? And pickled herring?

So what would you rather have, a greater chance to grow up healthy, literate, well prepared for the future with a sense of social responsibility, but the future is in the Netherlands or take your chances here?

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