Friday, February 09, 2007

Everyone You Know Someday Will Die

Since March 19th, 2003, when the US invaded Iraq, there have been 3118 coalition deaths. That's less than the number of liberated dead Iraqi civilians but more than the number of Americans killed by Iraqis on 9/11 or Americans killed by Iraqi WMDs combined.

About 1400 days with 3118 deaths comes to just a tad more than 2 deaths a day (remember, we're not counting the liberated dead, nor the non-fatal casualties). That doesn't seem so bad does it?

I think we can live with that. Better, we can afford that. I mean we're 300,000,000. What's two a day, especially when you consider birth and immigration rates? You don't even miss those people. In fact, if my calculations are correct, for every American death in Iraq, almost 3600 people come into the US- either over a border or through a birth canal.

I guess two a day might seem like a lot if you know those two. I suppose one a day is a lot if you know that one. Maybe if Therrel Childers had been the first and only death in Iraq that would be a lot if you knew him. But you probably don't. And you probably don't know Jay Aubin, or Ryan Beaupre, or Jose Gutierrez. It's not like two people a day are disappearing from your workplace, or school, or congregation. We need to remember this, especially when we hold it in the light of what we've given the Iraqis. Wouldn't we appreciate if someone did the exact same thing for us? And considering how little it costs, even if things don't go exactly right, isn't it still a bargain?

It's important that we get our heads on right because it looks like we'll be giving Iran the same gifts soon. We really need to consider the costs before we do. And it turns out, the costs aren't so great. Unless of course you count the liberated dead... and maybe count the injured... and then other things that are hard to quantify like the damage to our souls. But why would we do that?

Tear It In Two- The Briefs
Levitate Me- The PIxies
Uptight (Everything's Alright)- Stevie Wonder
Mambo King- Tito Puente
The End Has No End- The Strokes
Everything Is Broken- Bob Dylan
She Watch Channel Zero- Public Enemy
Macho Insecurity- Dead Kennedys

1 comment:

Aaron C said...

I think it might be ironic that the last song on your playlist for this particular post is "macho insecurity."