Friday, August 08, 2008

The Jokes Just Write Themselves

Russia moves closer to war with Georgia over South Osseti

"The Georgian Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, issued a statement calling on the international community to 'give Russia the message that invading the territory of a sovereign state and bombing its territory is unacceptable in the 21st century.'"

LA Times

Where's he been?


Bob Ramsey said...

No, didn't you get the memo? Just today, John McCain said, " the 21st century, nations don’t invade other nations.”

The man is a genius at unintentional comedy.

Skybalon said...

It's a whole troupe. You got Sean Hannity telling us we can't trust someone who has cheated on or left their spouse to be president while he shills for first Giulliani and now McCain. Our Secretary of State telling us it's wrong to invade another country and overthrow their government. MY PRESIDENT on national (international?) TV saying the US has no problems.
It's all classic a la the Banana In The Ear joke.