Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Title of This Post Should be "ZING!"

I know few people actually read the swill put out by the likes of Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, or Jerome Corsi. I mean, I know the books they put out are national best-sellers, but it would be hard to call what the majority of their fans do with the books "reading". Pawing at the pages, furrowing their brows in frustration at the strange squiggles on the paper, prominently placing them on their shelves to give a veneer of legitimacy to their outlandish beliefs- we could call it that. But "reading"?


If you are eating any of the nonsense that feeds the Obama=Things That Scare Me phenomenon, any examination of said nonsense probably doesn't matter to you. Obama is somehow both a secret Muslim and a reverse-racist Christian. A ghetto thug and a Harvard elitist. Too inexperienced and a Washington insider. That's cool. But if you would, nonetheless, at least like to read an hilarious sentence related to Jerome Corsi's latest hit piece, you could do worse than this:
"The book has already had more holes shot through it than one of Dick Cheney's hunting partners."

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