Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Some of My Best Friends...

In an experiment in online diarying excellence I will begin sharing posting responsibilities.

It's an experiment I've been intending for some time, but as long time readers of my tubejournal may know, the universe is cruel but also, I am a lazy, lazy man. Now though, I will, as time and pertinence permit, share the posting duties with very special guests.

So without further ado, I hand over the reins to Ham on White.

Why am I Ham on White?

Oh, it's just a pseudonym. Everybody gets one.

I know, but why Ham on White?

Meh, because you're White.

Yeah, but other white people you mention aren't labeled White.

No, yeah, sure, but you're really White.

What do you mean "really White". That doesn't even make sense. I'm just white.

That's why. Because you believe there is such a thing as "just white". You say you're just white; you don't see that White is really about erasing identity or creating the idea of "the one" cultural standard. It's a little like the human equivalent of labeling foods as ethnic. Mexican food is just food, Chinese food is just food, but when we use those labels, it's to create a certain idea of food as different- an idea that doesn't really correspond to the foods in the places we call Mexico or China anyway, but it's a description of food that depends on something being normal and something being different and the imagined culture relative to each.

Right, it is different. We call it "Mexican food" because we know it's not regular food. What's wrong with that?

See, it's that idea of something being "not regular" that makes you Ham On White. It's that you think that there is something regular and then difference from that. It's that you think there really is some thing that is standard, and then some thing that is Black, some thing that is Mexican, some thing Chinese. Whatever. It's that standard- that power to create and use identity, whether it's the standard or the other that is White. In this case, those categories exist because of and for racism.

What? I'm racist because I'm White?

Short answer, yes. You can only be White because of racist categories. You only see these differences because of your racist eyes.

So are you saying I'm racist just because I see differences? That's absurd. It doesn't mean I hate Mexican food just because I can see that it's different. Why would it follow that I hate Black people or Yellow people just because they're Black or Yellow.

No, it's not that you see difference. It's what this difference means and what counts as difference to you that makes you racist. It's about the possibility of that category at all. You are not just noticing that you have a different color skin than someone- as if you were noticing they wear glasses, you have a blue sweater, they have curly hair, you have a zit on your forehead, they are six feet tall. It's what the difference means and carries. It seems that for you, a racist is someone who actively hates someone of a different race. I know you believe you would never dream of going out of your way to hurt anyone because of their skin color. But you live in and depend on a way of being that requires this categorization by something called race- which isn't really anything at all- it exists for domination. It is a kind of difference that depends on injustice.

Do you realize what you just said? You're saying Black people exist because of injustice. Is it wrong that Black people exist?

You're missing the point if you think I'm saying a difference in skin color, or even noticing difference is wrong.

Look at me, I know Black people. I work with, well no I don't work with Black people. You know I don't even think Black people come to clean this building. That's weird. They're Mexicans or something. How about that? But, you know, I don't freak out when I see a Black person. I don't automatically lock my car doors when there's a Black person in the cross walk. And look, I'm talking to you, right? If I were a racist would I be talking to you?

Yes. But if it's any consolation, you're supposed to be racist. And when you think about it, it's an advantage. First of all, you are mired in this racist atmosphere but you don't see it because it's just the way it is. You are racist, but you see it as normal and not racist, so when you are challenged by your racism, you get to be indignant rather than repentant. I mean look at you- You're a decent guy. You work hard. You go to church. You don't use the "N word". You readily condemn something like lynching in the past or Nazi skinheads today. How could you be racist?

Exactly, I couldn't be.

Is America ready for a Black president?


Is America ready for a Black president?

I don't know. Maybe. It depends on who it is. If you're talking about Obama, maybe. If he gets past some of the things I know people aren't comfortable with, like his pastor, or Ludacris, or his elitism, or his name even. Anyway, doesn't the fact that he could even run for president, and really run, not like Jesse Jackson, show we're not really racist? I don't know, it's a good question though.

No, it's a stupid question that can only mean something in a racist world. Obviously, there is an amount of legal institutional oppression that has been addressed , but that these categories and questions can exist show how we see the world through racist eyes. And you buy it whole hog.

Argh, wasn't this supposed to be a guest posting? Why are you even writing any of this? I have something else to say and I resent your hijacking this post and the suggestion that I am racist simply because I think White and Black people are different.

Okay, go ahead then.

Well, I forgot what I was going to say. Oh right- I was going to explain why you shouldn't let your daughter listen to rap music, but maybe I'll save that for some other time.

Okay, I look forward to it. Thanks


Joliene said...

this makes me happy... this is exactly what we try to explain to my grandmother when she says things like, "the black doctor" or "the oriental woman." she hasn't gotten it yet, though she's at least progressing into the use of more "pc" terms, ha.

Anonymous said...

I got five dollars saying you sat there and typed all this by yourself while Queen Bean was paying attention to the baby rather than you.

Skybalon said...

Oh grandparents- isn't their innocent racism cute?

I also "like" the reverse of that, people who refuse to say something like, "That black guy" because of the offense they attach to "black".

Do you mean while the Qweenbean was paying attention to the baby and not paying attention to me or do you mean The Qweenbean was paying attention to the baby while I wasn't? If you mean the former, I'm right there with you complaining about the baby usurping my role as center of the universe.