Thursday, December 15, 2005

I Feel LIke I'm Taking crazy Pills

I don't watch the OC, and barring any unforeseen rendition and its accompanying interrogation I do not plan on watching the OC. So if someone could explain to me what Christmukkah is I might appreciate it. If I understand anything from the commercials, it seems to be a confusing synthesis of the celebrations of the bottomless oil lamps and the baby born in a trough with an anti-gun violence message. That's just the surface though. My guess is- at its heart is the barely veiled contempt the writers have for the audience that watches the excrement that they hate themselves for writing expressed by debasing anything the viewer might value (boy that's an awkward sentence). Is that about right?

Let It Roll- Hieroglyphics

1 comment:

Aaron C said...

Well, if I know anything from my years as a loyal Fox viewer, its that they produce quality excrement. The OC holiday celebration and the show in general is all about uniting people of all religions, races, and creeds.