Thursday, December 01, 2005

This Is What We Do In Bible Study and After

That there is something rather than nothing
is really something.
Noting nothing is much more stable than anything.

Last night Russ reminded me-
Until nearly 10 years ago the study of insects in flight could account for only about a third or half of the lift necessary to support their weight.

Bumblebees and the Scientific Method
by Sheenagh Pugh

A scientist, a man of parts,
(some of which worked in fits and starts),
by using certain apparatus
proved bees could not be aviators.
There was no doubt, declared our hero,
the fundamental laws of aero-
nautics, -dynamics and whatever
must soon convince the unbeliever
that bees were built to such a model,
they scarcely could do more than waddle.
The ratio of their body weight
to wing-span, he could demonstrate,
precluded take-off, much less flight.
Colleagues allowed his sums were right:
Professors, Fellows, Doctors, Tutors,
sweating away at their computers,
confirmed our mans results in toto,
and grudgingly agreed to go to
honour his triumph at a party
(nobody really love a smarty).
While all acclaimed his theories,
nobody thought to tell the bees,
who, never having been to college,
nor stayed abreast of modern knowledge,
kept up a stunning imitation
of wing-powered aerial navigation.

Last night Cyndi reminded me-
Between Jessica Simpson and Nick Lache, Jessica Simpson is by far the better looking of the two.

Lady Pigs
by Solomon

As a ring of gold in a swine's snout
A beautiful woman who lacks discretion

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