Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Nolite Timere

Did you know that the last Western human rights group in Iraq outside of the Green Zone is a Christian organization called Christian Peacemaker Teams? Did you know that CPT members were recently kidnapped by a heretofore unknown terrorist group? Did you know that in response to this Rush Limbaugh said, "I like any time a bunch of leftist feel-good hand-wringers are shown reality.?" You can read a transcript and hear an audio clip of him actually saying that here.

He says liberals fear faith. Although he's a bit of a clown, he may have something there. I'm pretty liberal when it comes to a lot of issues. And I have to admit, reading about the faith of these people all over the world on these Christian Peacemaking Teams in places like Iraq, Colombia, Burundi, and Hebron- I do have a sense of fear about it. But likely not in the way Rush thinks I might.

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