The War on Christmas: Do Your Part
I buy great Christmas presents for Cyndi. It's not that I spend a lot of money- I just know what she wants. Without hints and without prompting, I know what to get her. I get her things she would get for herself. As great as I am, sometimes it turns out to be a problem. Cyndi does get things for herself- at Christmas; we've had to set rules so that she not buy anything for herself starting in September until her bierthday in January. It's rough.

Two Years Ago: With incredible forethought, in August I bought Cyndi a set of covered soup bowls that she had wanted. She wanted them so much she bought them for herself in November. Ha ha ha hah ha.
Last Year: I was searching ebay for a set of collectible wine glasses that matched her holiday water glasses and it turns out Cyndi and I were bidding against each other for the same item. Ha hahah ha ha hahahahahhhhh.
This Year: Knowing that for a happy Christmas she's better off not buying herself things before Christmas she was shopping for something for a friend of hers under my ebay account and somehow, accidentally, clicked "buy now" on one of my watched items. HA HAAHAHA HAHA HAA HAAA HAA AAAARRRRGHH AHAH AA.
I totally meant that. Bierthday-Day of confusion. From the German beirren- to confuse; and day from the Old English daeg, by way of Old High German tag.
Ah, the real joys of higher education, the ability to rationalize until finally people forget the topic and walk away.
I wish- I got into blogging 'cos all my wiritng was too purposeful
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