Monday, May 01, 2006

Happy International Worker's Day to You And Happy Birthday to Me

My mom got my birth day right, but according to her birthday wishes, she has the year wrong. That's okay, I frequently have to be reminded by Cyndi how old I am.

I thought about taking the train downtown this morning- marching around a bit and taking some pictures to post here- but I didn't. I stayed home. I had a birthday burrito with Aaron at La Tolteca. I'm staying home to do homework and write what is probably my last non-Russ Feingold posts until next Monday.

So I'm not at the downtown rally today. I'm sticking it to The Man by being a brown person getting an advanced degree and by supporting Mexican owned businesses. How do you like that, The Man?

So where to begin? So much is happening. Like this: a homeschool carnival with fish people at my church. Every Monday a group of homeschool kids meets here to have their Biology class. This Monday they're celebrating what they've learned with a year-end open house. There are displays of reptiles, arthropods, birds, and at one point, though I didn't get to see them- fish people. All in all, quite an impressive display of learning.

One of these homeschool kids lost my Adidas Tango soccerball last week. This is the best ball pattern in the world and no longer made in size 5. I mentioned it to their teacher. We'll see if their decency matches their braininess.

I edited the title- why didn't anybody tell me I misspelled "workers?" Woklers? What's a wokler? - me


Bob Ramsey said...

Do not be fooled by Roberto's talk of sticking it to The Man and la Reconquista

I know for a fact that he had his birthday dinner at Claimjumper, which is something like an official club house for The Man, or at least for his lackies.

And was that your Hummer parked in the handicaped spot out front, Meeester Gonzalez?

Skybalon said...

No that was Cyndi's Hummer in the handicapped spot. We drove separately. I parked my H2 (That's right I drive the smaller vehicle- every little bit helps when it comes to saving gas) in the fire lane- I didn't want it to get dinged in the parking lot.

Anonymous said...

you had a birthday celebration?! how come i wasn't invited? (pause for awkward silence) was your BUDDY RUSS FEINGOLD THERE?!! (see how i was really the jerk by not remembering your birthday BUT made it sound like you're the jerk--good one huh.) HAPPY B-LATED B-DAY.