Monday, May 01, 2006

To The Cloister

I may not post very much in the next couple of days. It's the end off the semester and I have a lot to do and what not. But I will try to continue with my daily Russ Feingold post. To that end:

Feingold Heartens Activists With Tough-Talking Attacks

JOHNSTON- Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold energized Democratic activists in Iowa Saturday, touting his ‘‘moderate, responsible’’ effort to censure President Bush and arguing that his brand of hard-hitting activism has been ratified at the polls.


According to statewide polls , Wisconsinites... Wisconsonians? favor withdrawal from Iraq. So good for Russ Feingold representing his state. Though, of course, not everyone in his state feels that way.

Similarly, the majority of Americans think the war in Iraq was a mistake and more importantly think W needs to present a clear timetable and strategy for how withdrawal will occur. Whatever.

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