Monday, May 22, 2006

Like This is News to You

In my pursuit of a story on Russ Feingold for the Daily Feingold I came across this. It's from Gallup on attitudes about about gay marriage and a marriage defining amendment. Arlen Specter and Russ Feingold exchanged heated words last week over the forum and nature of the debate about this very topic. So I guess this will have to do for the Daily Feingold.

Here is everything you need to know from the Gallup survey. But what does this mean for you? Women are gay.

I know some people say statistics can be manipulated to say anything. "Knowing" this does not mean statistics can never be trusted. You just have to know what you're being told and how they came to that conclusion. Much like you need to know what the good folks at Excedrin mean when they say no medicine works faster to reduce headaches- it doesn't mean they are the fastest, only that no competitor is faster. Anyway, if you check out the survey results, you will clearly see that the majority of women aged 18-49 are gay. You can't argue with facts.

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