Friday, April 28, 2006

Feingold In the News

I haven't decided yet if I'm bothered by the Feingold searchers coming by but not saying anything. I understand you want to see what your "buzz" is if you're going to run for president. But lurking about... I don't know what I think of that. I decided I'm going to keep posting about Russ Feingold. To make it worthwhile though, I'll actually highlight something of significance about Russ Feingold.

So here it is. You're daily dose of Russ Feingold:

WASHINGTON - Sen. Russ Feingold said Thursday he will introduce an amendment to a spending bill requiring that U.S. troops leave Iraq by the end of the year.

AP Wire

No doubt, someone thinking to the MAX! would say this is "cutting and running" or being "soft on terror." I'm not thinking to the MAX! so it seems more to me that our presence with no srategy for leaving creates an inertia that allows occupation to be the status quo, it creates a dynamic that feeds an insurgency, and prevents us from thinking creatively about how we might more constructively address the can of worms we opened in Iraq.

Plus we'll need those battle hardened troops for our war with Iran next Spring.

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